IMPACT Youth Ministry

IMPACT Youth Ministry


Who We Are:

If you’re between the ages of 12-19, we’d love for you to come join us on a Wednesday night in our IMPACT group.


We understand the pressures that go along with being a teenager. There’s a lot of influence in your life. But let’s face it, not all influence is good influence. Which is why we’re here. We want to add Biblical principles to your everyday life.


You might be asking yourself, “Why start now, I’ve never have been part of a church?” Maybe you’ve said to yourself, “I don’t know that much about the Bible.” That’s OK! People can come to know God at any age! But you, my friend, you’re a teenager! The most exciting age there is! Throughout the Bible, God has used young people to do extra-ordinary things. God has a purpose for you and He wants to use you now.

Psalms 71:17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared the wondrous works.


Every Wednesday, we start with worship then we move into a time of teaching/preaching, lead by our Youth Pastor. It is a time structured to allow our young people to grow spiritually in an environment that they feel comfortable to grow in. Every Sunday, is started with a brief time of fellowship followed by a time of teaching and ending with some time for the youth to connect with one another and their Youth Pastors. We strive to have regular events for our young people to connect with each other and establish and grow relationships.

We hope you’ll come visit us, or better yet, come and be a part of us!